Monday, July 30, 2012

7/30/2012 Meeting

Monday July 30th from 5:45 to 6:45 at the Youth Center

Working on:  WOW! Journey
What to Bring: $1 dues, WOW! Journey Book, Binder

Click "Read more" to see minutes, attendance, and make - up

Minutes: We went over our homework from last meeting, talked about ways that we loved water, added our water droplets of our favorite water places to our WOW! poster, talked about the different states of water (solid, liquid, vapor) and watched each state as we drank hot tea. We saw the vapor rise off of the hot tea, turn into condensation on the top of the tea pot lit, and then we put ice in our tea and watched it melt.

Do at home: Read Part Two in your Journey Book, practice singing our "Love Water" song, Ocean of Goodness. I found this video with the music to help you practice, disregard the choreography.

Attendance: Caroline Lauren Weslyn Claudia Brianna Jessica Charlotte Katie Gracie
Dues: $8
Make-up:  Get a water droplet from Mrs. Tia to add to our WOW! poster, color with your favorite water place. Ex. My favorite water place is the river so I'm going to draw the river I go fishing at! Observe the different states of water: liquid, solid, vapor. Practice singing Ocean of Goodness.

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