Wednesday, July 4, 2012

7/9/12 Meeting

Monday July 2nd from 5:45 - 6:45 at the Church Youth Center

Working on:  Going over how to use Law Learner. Talking about issues that face girls your age today and how the next President could help. Write down a script of what we want to say to him. Introduction into WOW! Journey.

What to Bring: $1 dues, Law Learner

click "Read more" to see minutes, attendance, and make - up

Caroline, Jessica, Charlotte, and Gracie earned their "I Know The Law" Patch and got to sign our Law poster! Great job girls!

We talked about things we'd like to say to the President concerning  issues that face girls today. There were a lot of great ideas voiced, and most girls were concerned with the health and welfare of young girls today. The girls are going to think of things they want to say to the president all through the week and when we meet next Monday we're going to write the script for our video.

We started our WOW! Journey and talked about all the things we love about water, how water is important to our lives, and how clean water is not always available to girls everywhere. We thought about what it'd be like to have to walk long miles everyday to collect water and how it'd feel to only be able to use the little bit of water we could carry home. We drew pictures of things we love to do in the water and added them to our WOW! poster.


Dues Collected: $10

Make-up: Think about what you'd like to say to the President about issues that face girls your age today and be prepared to talk about it and write a script of what you want to say at the next meeting.

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