Monday, July 30, 2012

Canoeing and Campfire Night

Saturday July 28th 5:30 - 8:30 At the State Park

Click "Read More" to see pictures, attendance and minutes

All of the girls got a chance to go around the lake in the canoe and paddle! Mr. Lee tells us that Caroline was our paddeling pro! This was a skill building exercise, girls will become comfortable being in watercrafts then later learn paddeling techniques and finally get a chance to paddle their own kayaks or canoe! While waiting on their turn in the canoe the girls found objects around the lake to make little boats to see how they well the would float. We endend the night with a campfire, songs, and s'mores! Charlotte and Caroline taught us some new songs that they learned at Girl Scout Camp and some wayward Boy Scouts convienced the girls that roasted Cheese Puffs were delicious. Attendance: Katie Gracie Charlotte Jessica Brianna Kambell Caroline Dues: 0
Make-up:  none

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